Career Planning & Alumni Relations

 “The Office of Career Planning”, has been founded as an official coordination office and continues its activities by the approval of the rectorate authority with October 4th 2011 authority date and 1359 authority number. After completed its preparations as its administrative structure operations in the university, its staff and representative scholars, then it has started to serve our students by activities like job/intenrship publications and career events at 2012.  The title of our office has became “The Office of Career Planning & Alumni Relations” at Jan. 27th 2015, after it started to increase effort focused on work with alumni associations. Our office has reached out over 60 companies and foundations at career fairs happenned in 2017 which occured at 4 different campuses and  about lots of distinct majors, where it was only 15-company at “Faculty of Engineering – Career Days” at the begining of 2012.  Our office is now at the same point where it has first started out in Dokuz Eylul University – Tınaztepe Campus Buca-Izmir / Turkey. It keeps up supporting our alumni on their career journey and preparing our students for business life.

Mission: Our Mission is to strengthen the relationship between our students, and the concept and emotion of “Being a Dokuz Eylül member” by helping our students who are preparing to business world, to shape their career aims and by providing their personal development needs.

Vision: Our Vision is to become one of the most important career offices in Turkey and the World, by qualified labor force brought to business world, by the cooperation with business world and the alumni and by the ability to increase the degree of our students’ employability through introducing qualified human resources potential of our university to the business world.

Our Targets: Strengthening the relationship between University – Student – Employer, by career mentorship services, personal development courses and the by the support to career days organizations running through whole year.

Appertaining to;

  • Identifying the internal (student clubs, academicals, administrative units etc.) and the external (the other universities, associations, non-governmental / non-profit organizations etc.) stakeholders and to provide coordination with them.
  • Organizing courses, seminars etc. giving courses about CV preparation and job interview techniques to support our students’ personal developments along with academically educations.
  • Providing mentorship services to our students who are preparing business life, about lots of topics like alternate career plans, abroad experiences, internship applications etc.
  • Organizing “Career Fairs” and supporting the ones organized by our academic units, with the aim of bringing together the representatives of business world and the students of our university.
  • While our alumni starting to their business life, providing mentorship services about each topic that they may need help about first job application or even about choosing a job.
  • With the aim of sustaining “Being a Dokuz Eylül member” concept which is created in student life, keeping in touch with our alumni and cooperating with them.
  • Providing a strong image to our university and increase the qualification of students who applied our university by increasing recognition level of our university. Achieving this increase by whole qualified labor force we brought the business world in, also by strong cooperation with business world and our alumni.


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